Anathema Ebooks

July update!

Gift of Light progress: all done! It’s being proofread right now. The Amazon release (KU for 3 months) is scheduled for the 1st of August, 2018.

I have unpublished the previous Anathema ebooks because I will republish Transition & Escalation (the edited serial up to and including arc 7) as one big, fat book with a new cover, title and series name that are a bit more representative of the genre. The re-release is also scheduled for August 1st.

The previous book links to Amazon no longer work. I’ll put the new ones here:

Superluminary (Anathema re-release as the Powered Destinies series):


Gift of Light (new standalone in the Anathema / Powered Destinies universe):



I’ll also publish Gift of Light as a free serialized novel with weekly updates starting November (after the initial KU run).

The Anathema web serial will have to be taken offline pretty soon. I’d like to re-enroll my books in Kindle Unlimited, so I don’t have much choice. 😦 I’ll post the exact offline date on the start page soonish.

Gift of Light, a standalone Anathema spin-off

Dear readers

Late news is better than no news, they say! Things have been quiet, but I’ve been secretly chugging away at the new book ever since I wrapped up Anathema (give or take a few months of combined exhaustion and laziness.)

Now, though, Gift of Light is nearly complete and I’m excited to publish it on Amazon in mid July, and other stores 3 months afterward. I’ll also post a web serial version (weekly updates of around 4K words) some time after the Ebook release.

The new story fits seamlessly into the Anathema universe and its timeline of events, and characters such as Radiant or Gentleman make an appearance or are mentioned throughout the story. But the new main character is Wisp, a young Lightshaper struggling to keep her gang of survivors alive – against near impossible odds – in the toxic ruins of Southwest Berlin.

Once Gift of Light is complete and tbe ebook published, I’ll return to working on the next actual, revised and thoroughly edited Anathema ebook. Scout’s honor.

Check out the blurb:

Nicoletta AKA Wisp has a gift: she can shape sunlight into floating spheres that can alert her of impending danger – which is fortunate since her home, a city tainted by the aftermath of a supervillain’s death, bears a curse. Toxic vapors rise from the sewers on hot summer days, snuffing out anything that lives at ground level.

No one is supposed live in the Dead City, but Wisp and her gang of underage runaways refused the mass evacuations, learning to live alongside the local calamity. The uncertainty of the outside world scared them even more than the dangers of their home.

Now, though, their friend Hannah has gone missing under suspicious circumstances. The deadly Smog has become increasingly unpredictable, and the crime lord in charge of the rival gang to the north is gearing up for conflict. Wisp is prepared to defend the only home she has ever known, but she and her gang are outnumbered and underequipped and her powers are not exactly suitable for combat…

And while we’re at it, check out this beautiful new cover, too!

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Publication day – 07/05/2016


This was the first publication date for Transition, the first Anathema ebook. Well, until I went and changed everything!

Links to Amazon removed. The new books (re-release and standalone) will be available for purchase on Amazon in place of the older versions. See the updates above for more information 🙂



Dear readers

This is it! I’m excited to announce that the first ebook is now live on Amazon and priced at 99 cents for the first few days (three days at least), and book 2 is on pre-order. I included the links above.

Today and the following week or so are going to determine whether I can keep writing long term. I love to share my stories with the world – it’s the best thing I’ve ever done – but the writing takes 20 and more hours out of my week.

I told myself that if the books sell, I’ll keep writing, but if they don’t… then I probably can’t afford to. I’ll finish the web serial no matter what, but it would take me longer, and I wouldn’t be able to afford any editing.

I never asked for donations in the 2 years of writing this serial. I always counted on making money from the books. But the thing with Amazon is – books that don’t sell enough copies right after their first publication sink into oblivion, meaning that most potential readers never discover them. Visibility in Amazon’s catalog is all about sales.

I need your help to establish the first book rooted in Amazon’s catalog, and to make it visible for readers who don’t yet know about the story. If you’d like to support my writing career, please buy the first book at 99 cents, even if you don’t intend to read it again. It would help SO much! It’s not about those 99 cents, but each sale, no matter the price, helps improve visibility in Amazon’s catalog.

Just click the Amazon link above to find it.

Thanks so much!

Update 29/04/2016

Thanks for your interest in the ebooks! I’m excited to update the page with a new announcement. drumroll

The Amazon release date for Transition, the first book in the Anathema series, is set for Saturday, the 7th of May 2016. Book 2 (Escalation) will be available for pre-oder at the same time and go live sometime in Summer.

If you’d like to receive an email notification whenever one of the books goes live, consider signing up for my spam-free newsletter here:

Update 04/02/2016

I have a release date! Well, almost. The first two books are getting released to Amazon’s Kindle store in Spring / Summer 2016 (first week of May for the first book), and this is now 100% set. No more delays. Book 1 (Transition) will include arcs 1-3, book 2 (Escalation) arcs 4-7.

I’m planning to publish in other stores (ibooks, B&N etc) as well, but Amazon will be first. I’m also looking into audiobooks.

Dear readers,

This is something I’ve been talking about for some time, and I apologize for not having gotten around to it sooner. As the publication date for the first two ebooks draws closer, I’m excited to show you the fabulous covers that were designed by Claudia McKinney. For the Escalation cover, we worked with a photographer – Teresa Yeh – to find the perfect model for Chris. Finding a decent stock image of an Asian girl in the right pose, with matching clothing and Chris’s distinctive facial expression, would have been impossible. The model for Christina was Fei Xu, and I think she nailed the pose and the facial expression. What do you think? Does she look the way you pictured Chris?

For some reason, WordPress makes the pictures appear more ‘white’ than the originals. To see the real color, hovering over an image with your mouse should do the trick.

First cover with Sarina:

Second cover with Christina:

The original model photo:

17 thoughts on “Anathema Ebooks

    • Hi Terry! The editor got sidetracked with other projects (that she committed to before we made a contract for my second book) so the release has been delayed by a few months. My current guesstimate is winter, probably early next year. I’ll post more info when I have a more concrete date.

      Thanks for your interest 🙂

  1. Sorry, just scrolled up to the top. I can’t find it for pre-order and I find other authors with the same title. Will that be under Chrysalis?

    • It’s not available for pre-order at this point, I’m still doing final edits. But book 2 will be available for pre-order when book 1 is for sale.

      The author name will be O. Rising. I’ll send you an email when the book is available, if you like. 🙂

      • I would very much like an email when the books are available. Thank you.
        Also, thank you for the short you wrote on Drew Hayes’s website. It’s what introduced me to your work.

  2. Just noticed. There are already quite a few books with the name Anathema out there.

    I will see if I will buy it. Taking a peak first^^ (just found your story^^)

  3. haven’t read the book yet, but the second cover is somewhat a bit laking. (First one really good) It’s just like she was photoshoped into the picture. She just doesn’t fit… aspecially if you look at how bright her back is. But there isn’t any light source there only lightning and that is on the wrong site. Also the brightness of her whole body doesn’t fit with the background.

    In the first cover it is much better. Light sources fit far better.

    • Thanks for checking it out! I’m not super happy with the second cover, either… if the books sell well enough, I’ll pay for a redo. Thanks for the feedback.

    • You’re welcome. The price is only discounted for the first couple of days, then it will go up 🙂 I had to discount it to get more exposure on Amazon – the people on there don’t know me or my story, and I don’t have any reviews on Amazon yet.

  4. Everything is sooo much better on a Kindle. Its amazing. Kindles are wonderful.

    I’m not an advertising bot please don’t block me! Its just that I bought the e-books for Kindle and reread one of them. And it was much, much better. Just easier to read and stuff. Its cause of the better screen for text. Its crazy the difference it makes.

    This was my first comparison where I read something on a computer screen and then a Kindle and it a big difference.

    So basically all Kindle owners who read Anathema = buy the E-books! If you read Anathema, but don’t have a kindle buy a kindle and then buy the e-books.

    P.S. I’m not sure if it works with all models of Kindle. The one I have though is basically magical.

    P.P.S. This is all a really round-about way of saying I really, really like e-Books on Kindle and you should definitely create more.

    • Aw, thanks for the compliment! I think the formatter did a fabulous job – I use the same formatter as Hugh Howey. It’s so worth it. And yes, it should look the same on all Kindles. 🙂

      The editors and proofreaders did a fabulous job, too. It was all kind of expensive, though, so I need to save up before I can afford to publish another ebook.

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